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A business proposal can often make or break your chances of securing a new client. We write professional and well crafted proposals designed to provide winning opportunities to our clients. Crafting a compelling business proposal requires knowledgeable touch, certain levels of salesmanship, content engagement, commitment, research and analysis.
Looking for a Business Proposal Writer in Nigeria? worry not, Pro Business Writers got you covered.
A strong business proposal is a top opportunity to win new business. It is the ultimate sales document, a condensed version of all the value your solution brings to a client’s problem.Yet, not every proposal puts your business’s best foot forward. There are a lot of aspects to consider. From the audience to the content to the formatting, each part of a winning business proposal requires thoughtful planning and development.
How It Works?

Initial Discovery Phone Call
Research and Discovery
Proposal Writing
Financial Modelling
Design and Review
Our Pricing
Pro business writers core proposal writing services are business, sponsorship and grant proposals. However, we are not limited to these core areas. We can also offer competency in formal, solicited and unsolicited, continuation or non-competing, renewal or competing, and supplemental proposals.
Delivery Time: 2-7 days
The table of content is determined by the structure and objectives of the intended proposal. Therefore, each proposal requires a custom template, unlike a business plan that requires little or no tweaks. For every proposal we write, the goal at the end of the day is to ensure the proposal effectively convey the necessary information in a precise and articulate manner. It is important to also note that the proposal template we use is industry and global standard.